These were the people who made my Beijing stint bearable, and it warms my heart to know that our friendship transcends all boundaries. 🙂 It has been 2-3 yrs now, but we have always made it a point to keep in touch with one another although we have all moved on to the different stages of our lives. Some have relocated for work and couldn’t join us for dinner. Others like TS are now mothers, while Ash and myself are walking down the aisle within the next couple of months.
After dinner, JW picked me up for a drink at Starbucks followed by a heartwarming yet absoluting hilarious French movie entitled “Welcome to the Land of the Shtis”. I was bowled over by the portrayal of human emotions, witty dialogues and vivid images of quaint village houses tucked away amidst serenity.
JW’s attempt at an artistic “armpit” shot (except that in this case, the armpit has been replaced by the handle of a mug.His supposedly artistic angled shot:
I usually don’t do lunch on weekends because I can’t wake up in time. Even if I do manage to wake up, I can never open my eyes wide. That explains the sleepy eyes here.