A couple of weeks before our new year’s eve party, our JC friends and us attended Caleb’s wedding.
So many pictures of us, but none included the bride and groom because our official event photographer, WQ, had to run a marathon the next day.

Outfit for the night:

A few weeks later, the same group gathered at our home for a cozy New Year’s eve party, with WQ as the official event photographer again. This time, we were in luck because there are no marathons on New Year’s day.

I thought some of his shots were pretty creative, such as the one of my kitchen door decal against the backdrop of my lighted christmas tree (above) and a rather comic one of our friend M behind our bamboo divider. M looks like he’s behind bars. His crime? Gluttony of course. Haha.

It’s been a while since we last got together for a catch up session (weddings not included) and I was actually pretty exhausted when the party began as I was the only one who went to work that very day.
Nonetheless, the peals of laughter and flowing conversations kept our energy levels so high that it was no miracle that the party went well into the wee hours of the morning!

The avid board gamers among us spurred the start of our board game craze.

We had great fun immersing ourselves in the board game culture and taking every opportunity to jeer at WQ, for relying on SX to play Lost Cities 😛 and Caleb, for taking more interest in bimbotic pursuits.
Case in point: He who looks like he’s hard at work is actually playing Bubble Puzzle.
Otherwise, he’s seated comfortably on the couch, mesmerized by gorgeous christmas bling.

Another case in point: WQ under the guidance of SX
but still loses and insists this game is dumb hahahah
Men – they’re mind boggling sometimes.
Anyhow, time always flies when you are having fun. Before long, it was time to prepare for the countdown and toast to the new year! Earlier on, SX and Caleb had gone to get ice-cream while WQ followed Tam home to get her scrabble game. All of them got back in the nick of time!
Yummy chocolate ice-cream
After the countdown, it was time for an intensive scrabble session.
Scary huh …everyone took the game very seriously.

Don’t our similar expressions scare you? But anyway, you may wish to note that JW always looks like he’s deep in thought even if he’s thinking about trivial matters such as his choice of underwear for the day.

Having massacred all our brain cells, it was finally time for us to call it a night and snuggle in bed. That spelled the end of our fun-filled night.

On a more sombre note, time is not by on my side these days, with an increasing workload, coupled with the prospect of being away from our sunny island in the coming months for an extended period on the pretext of work. Evidently, this is going to be a busy year for me.
I love a challenge, but beyond work, don’t we all wonder if we could throw caution to the wind and cast pragmatism aside by partaking in other activities that excite us and imbue our lives with relentless energy?
That is my resolution for 2010, to explore other aspects of life that I have yet to experience, ride the wave of excitement and thereby attain a level of spiritual satisfaction that far supersedes that of material satisfaction. Wish me luck, will you? 😉