I attended baby Leonidas’s 1st month anniversary recently and boy is baby Leonidas blossoming into a hunk! The adorable one was sleeping most of the time whilst we helped ourselves to the sumptuous spread.

After the party, JW and I headed to Forty Hands at Tiong Bahru to check out the tau sar pao (chinese bun with red bean paste). The tau sar pao here has received rave reviews in 8 days and I’ve been dying to try it!
At S$2.50 (most paos are only about S$0.80), this pao had better be good! The bun was fluffy and of just the right density while the red bean filling was very smooth with just a hint of sweetness. I liked it very much!

The only grouse that I have about Forty Hands is the lack of non-caffeinated drinks on its menu. I can’t take coffee, and the only non-caffeinated drink it serves is hot chocolate, which is way too sweet when paired with tau sar pao.
Finally, here’s what I wore that day. A simple pink rosette top from F21 and green bow shorts.