We were instantly refreshed. Every time.

I wish I could go back to Cesky Krumlov again and just let my worries be carried away by the river. So many things have happened lately and it got me thinking again about how unpredictable life is. Nobody knows what will happen next and more often than not, many things are beyond our control. Maybe it’s God’s way of telling us that we ought to seize the day and grab every opportunity possible to achieve our goals in life.
I was reading a friend’s Facebook status update today and what he said struck me deeply. He said he is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of the opportunities that death would rob him of and is hence spurred on to work even harder to attain his goals. Even if death is not in the equation, sometimes poor health and other unforeseen circumstances are equally capable of robbing us of our opportunities.

Well, at least I am close to achieving one baby goal in my life, which is to see the world. I say I am close to achieving this goal because there are still a few more countries on the map that I have yet to step foot on. 🙂
On a lighter note, fashion is my other passion and you know I’ll always try to leave you with some outfit photos in every post. I’ll try to put up more items for sale soon too. 😉

Black Mesh Skirt from ClubCouture (remember to key in REGINA2011 upon checkout for 15% off)

I’m ending this post with a picture of us having a romantic dinner in Krcma Barbakan, a very popular restaurant in Cesky Krumlov. The restaurant premises are a few centuries old!
The playful restaurant owner grabbed JW’s camera while he was footing the bill and started snapping photos of me finishing the last morsels of food on my plate. Then, he insisted that JW sat across the table from me so he could take a couple shot of us.
We were told to look into each other’s eyes and smile. Hahaha.