Climbing is JW’s favourite sport of all time, and he often makes trips to KL just to climb at this state-of-the-art climbing gym. I usually just tag along so that I can have my A&W curly fries and root beer float. Yes, I am that easily contented. All I need is food.
While he’s on the wall, I’m either on the floor observing his every move till I fall asleep or walking around the mall. Otherwise, when our trips coincide with Karen’s, I’ll excuse myself from the gym and head over to her place. 😛

I attended Karen’s housewarming in KL recently (you’ll see pics when I get them), and the day after, I met a new friend named Charlotte. Isn’t she adorable? She kept chatting with me and when her dad came to check on her, she asked him to say hi to her new friends (aka JW and I). Is she cute or what? 😉