My skin absolutely abhors travelling. Every time I travel to countries with a drier climate, my skin goes on an aggressive protest by turning all red and bumpy.

The right side of my cheek is very sensitive now, and I’m using Avene’s soothing mask to calm it down, in the hope that it’ll recover within a week. 🙁

I’ll be travelling to Malaysia in a couple of days’ time with my bro, JW and his friends. They’re going there to rockclimb, while I shop and do my girly stuff. I’m too lazy to exercise, much less climb.

I’m not particularly crazy about shopping there, so I guess I’ll go for manicures/pedicures and maybe a relaxing spa session if it’s not too pricey. If not, I’ll probably just laze around there :P. I could do with some hair treatment too.

I fell in love yesterday. With Chanel. But once again, I couldn’t bear to part with my money. Between the 2 Cs, Cash and Chanel, I’ll always choose the former, but I can’t deny that my determination wavered yesterday when I tried on the gorgeous bag.

Even JW thinks it suits me very well, given my “atas” image and what-not. Haha.
I prefer the one in beige though (the pic shows the white one), simply because I read that if the white ever gets stained, the stains are unlikely to be removable and the bag’s value will certainly dip. Also, beige is more versatile as it goes well with all colours. I was clad in all black yesterday, and the beige didn’t look one bit out of place.
Does anyone know if Chanel is cheaper in Malaysia?? 😛