If you ever stop by Sydney, you have to go to The Rocks, a historical Australian quarter located right beside the CBD area. I don’t know why I’ve never shared this on my blog since I came over to Sydney, but it’s better late than never right?
The Rocks was where Australia’s first European settlers lived, which is why you’ll find some of the oldest architecture in Sydney, juxtaposed against new cafes and the very popular The Rocks Markets, which takes place every Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm.

I’m not exactly a morning person, so you’ll hardly ever see me bright and early during the weekend, except when friends come over to visit.

Thankfully, Alvin and Elisa arrived last Sunday morning. That gave JW and I the perfect excuse to visit The Rocks Market, not without first having his favourite ricotta hotcakes from Bills.
Click here if you wish to read my earlier review on Bills.

The Rocks Markets is a great place for souvenior shopping as it offers a wide variety of products ranging from apparel, handmade jewellery, aromatic soaps and candles. This is a pretty touristy haunt though, as you’ll see throngs of tourists armed with DSLR cameras, which are almost always accompanied by humungous camera lenses. I guess the stall owners must have had enough of tourists taking photos of their products (oops, I’m guilty of that too!), because “No Photography” signs are prominently displayed everywhere!

I didn’t buy anything from the markets but I enjoyed walking around and taking in the beautiful sights. It’s interesting how The Rocks looks so different from the rest of Sydney. Five minutes from the CBD area is all it takes to feel like you’ve teleported to Europe.