Now that I’m back in Singapore for a couple of months, I’ve been trying as much as possible to catch up with friends. Just last week at Ma Maison (my favourite Jap fusion restaurant), I caught up with Yvonne and Calister, my ex-colleagues whom I haven’t met in a while. 
And guess what? Calister is pregnant! She barely gained any weight but you can definitely see that radiance and glow about her. We all have to agree that the aura of a mother-to-be is certainly different from the that of the average Joe. We are so happy for her!
I suppose the little one brought us luck too, as we managed to secure a cozy corner in the restaurant instead of the bar counter despite the lunch hour crowd. ๐Ÿ˜‰

My favourite dish at Ma Maison has got to be the Hamburger Steak. This comes as part of a set lunch on weekdays and is accompanied by delicious (and generous too may I add) servings of soup and Japanese salad. I was the only glutton on our table who ordered the set meal. ๐Ÿ˜›

Calister ordered the salmon fish, which was so good she was the only one among us to finish up everything on the plate. That is really rare by her standards as she is a small eater. Needless to say, she was applauded for her wonderful effort. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Yvonne had spaghetti (with seafood I believe?). The serving was so huge it was quite impossible to gobble up everything!
Now, now…I’ll be heading back to Sydney at the end of this May for another 2 months or so, but before then, I am looking forward to catching up with more friends, family and loved ones before I take off again.
At the same time, I’m very much looking forward to reuniting with JW. We’ve been skyping almost everyday, but it’s just not the same as seeing each other in person!