We attended Karen’s Christmas party on Christmas Day, all dressed in red! Well, at least that was what we thought the theme was, until we realized that only those who asked if there was a theme came in red! Haha.

Among the 30 guests, Jun, Yitian and I were probably the reddest of them all. Our red frocks resembled red packets used for Chinese New Year. In fact, we could probably wear these dresses again for the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations next year. I’m sure our grandparents especially would be delighted by this auspicious shade of red. LOL.

It was supposed to be a potluck party, but the hostess prepared a feast single-handedly, with some assistance from two men who shall remain anonymous and mysterious in this post. There were two appetizers – a unique sour plum concoction as well as an exquisite smoked salmon and watermelon with balsamic vinegar appetizer. Everything including the sauces were made from scratch! The grilled chicken and grilled ham were so yummy! The guests also brought log cakes, shepherd’s pie, curry, bacon streaks, kueh pie tee among other mouthwatering dishes.

Right after the meal, the anti-social boys went to the sofa to read and watch TV while the rest of us girls decided to camwhore.

Before long, it was time for gift exchange! Unwrapping presents is always a joy, don’t you think?

Unlike some of my friends who enjoy tearing up the wrapper, I like to make sure that the whole wrapper is intact. I personally think it’s a form of respect to the person who took pains to wrap up the present beautifully. My heart actually aches when I unwittingly tear a wrapper! Oh well, but that’s just one of my idiosyncrasies. Haha. What about you? Are you like me too? 😛

Finally, here’s a preview of my presents! These are not exhaustive though…I’ve opened up quite a number of the other presents and they’re all over my room. Thank you my dear friends (you know who you are) for all the thoughtful presents! 😀

I love the month of December because there’re so many festivities going on! This weekend, I’ll be celebrating New Year’s overseas and I’m sooo looking forward to it!