Thank you for all your lovely comments the past couple of days! I’m sorry I haven’t replied to most of them yet, but I’ve read each and every one of them. πŸ™‚ This week has been a busy one for me but rest assured that I will reply everyone as soon as I can!

I spent the week catching up with family and friends, attending the national day parade and watching movies. I’ve 3 movie dates this week alone! I’ve caught Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Horrible Bosses and I’ll be watching Captain America today.

Here’s one of my typical outfits for movie dates. I’m always in shorts these days because they’re oh so comfortable. And of course, ruffles, tulle and bows remain the mainstay of my outfits. πŸ˜‰

Dejavu Ruffle & Tulle top from Number Fifty@Mandarin Gallery

White denim shorts from H&M

Miu Miu Bow Satchel

Korean transparent heels with leopard print soles from Far East Plaza