Ruffle necklace from New Look

Reversible Tank Top from Platinum Mall, Bangkok

Lace Shorts from Fa Yuen Street, Hong Kong

Ribbon Heels from Platinum Mall, Bangkok

My ideal summer style incorporates feminine details such as lace, ribbons and ruffles as well as a pop of colour. That was the inspiration for this outfit. ๐Ÿ™‚

The weather here has been so unbearable that layering is not an option, so the next best alternative is to play around with different fabrics/details and accessorize with a statement necklace.

I especially adore my tiered lace shorts from Hong Kong because it is somewhat dressy yet casual at the same time. Perfect for a spot of shopping amid the sweltering heat.

What’s your favourite summer look like?

Hope everyone’s having an amazing weekend! Sleeping in and having late brunch are two of my favourite weekend activities. What are yours? ๐Ÿ˜€

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