Antoinette is another gorgeous cafe housed in an old office building at Penhas Road, right beside Fragrance Hotel. The location may be a little dingy, but rest assured that you will be transported into another world upon entering the cafe.

My eyes lit up the moment I stepped into this hidden gem of a cafe. I was first greeted by a plethora of colourful meringues, cakes and desserts at the entrance, which set my heart a flutter. And as I walked deeper in, an inexplicable sense of familiarity came over me. The beautiful decor, reminiscent of the baroque era, actually resembles that of my favourite cafe in Paris, Angelina.

I read that Antoinette was set up by Chef Pang, the ex-executive pastry chef of Canele and its rating on has always been a perfect score of 100%. Excited to try as many items on the menu as possible, we went on to order 3 breakfast items, thinking that we could finish up everything and still order dessert.

How ambitious of us. In the end, we left without having dessert (what a punishment for being greedy!!:( ) and still had to pack half a crepe home. The same thing happened at Arbite previously, and still, I didn’t learn my lesson. Well, I’m definitely going back for the desserts!

The gratin with tomato fondue and the crepe were good, but the pancakes were divine! It is supremely difficult to find thick, fluffy pancakes in Singapore, and Riders’ Cafe’s pancakes are the closest you could get to that. Much to my disappointment, they have since removed pancakes from their menu. Thanks to Antoinette, I finally have a new favourite cafe for pancakes!