I attended Jay Chou’s concert in Singapore in July with a couple of colleagues, all thanks to Davina who queued up for the tickets! I’ve attended the past 2 concerts in Singapore. Not only is it becoming more difficult to secure tickets, the hole in my pocket also seems to get bigger with each concert!
The stage effects were spectacular and Jay’s dancing skills have certainly improved tremendously over the years. I loved the costumes and the songs (although I couldn’t sing at least half of them since he sang sooo many new songs!), but unfortunately, the concert goers around me were dead quiet. 
To illustrate my point, I was told off by a Jay Chou fan beside me for waving my lightstick too fervently!! She claimed, in her own words, that I was blocking “her Jay Chou”. 😉 
I wanted to tell her that he belongs to me too, and she could easily stand up or move her body forward to get a better view, but I wasn’t about to get into a quarrel and miss the concert!
If you do not intend to get your butt off your seat at a concert, then you’re better off  watching the concert on your DVD player at home. I seriously wonder what happened to the concert culture in Singapore. Gone are the days when everyone would jump onto their feet the moment the singer appeared on stage!

Unhappy moments aside, here are a few photos that I managed to snap. Click on them to enlarge!

Finally, here’s a video clip of the effects:

P.S.: Nana, please tell me how to get VIP tickets for his next concert!! I want to go with you!! 😛