We recently attended our JC classmate, Jo’s wedding, which also turned out to be a mini JC class reunion of sorts. The bride was demure and ravishing while the groom was sporting and hilarious – a perfect match made in heaven indeed.

Weddings generally entail massive expenditures, most of which will go to the wedding banquet, gowns, photography, and last but not least, a well-furnished new home. Although my wedding took place about 6 months back, we are still buying new furniture. We are also doing some minor renovations. How appalling!

Here’s our new baby: Grand Illusion by John Brauer from Denmark. It was handmade using 3mm of transparent acrylic. Doesn’t it look like a floating table? Ingenious isn’t it?

Well, this beauty set us back by $750 after 15% discount. Sometimes I wonder how we manage to finance such extravagant indulgences.

Time to eat more grass I guess for the next few months, by which time, I should have transformed into a cow.

Goodnight for now! Coming back in a few days…
