EOY JC Gathering – 29 Dec 07
It’s been a long time since so many of us met up. JW organized a pot-luck party, held in his condo’s function room. It was a fun-filled night, complete with endless chatter and laughter. Here’re the photos, courtesy of Jolene cos I only took some very random shots :P.
Within the blink of an eye, we are now 7 years older. Oh yea..and that also means I have just revealed my age. Haha. Here’s presenting the yummy Awfully Chocolate banana choc cake, courtesy of Elsa:

We also had don pies, shepherd pies, roast chicken (almost all eaten up by Marcus by the time everyone arrived), cherries, chicken wings, fishballs, chicken nuggets and otah. Wow, I think I have a photographic memory. π

On top of these goodies, Cherylene was supposed to bring fruit salad, but there was no sign of her nor her fruit salad throughout the entire night. Till now, JW has yet to resolve the mystery of the missing classmate and her fruit salad.
Marcus also performed a very lame magic trick, but I have to admit it was very entertaining. It was so hilarious we were in stitches. Check it out here:
Marc hasn’t changed much after all these years. He’s still as lame and dirty-minded as ever hahaha. After our gathering, Jos told some of us that when she was chewing on some fishballs during dinner, Marc exclaimed excitedly that she had balls in her mouth, much to her disgust. Hahaha.
After dinner, we adjourned to Milk & Honey at Binjai Walk to watch Jos sing. Marc casually requested that she sing the RJC school song, and she did!! Never have we seen anyone sing the school song with such zeal and gusto!
New Year’s Eve – 31 Dec 07
This must have been the busiest new year’s eve I ever had. I was rushing from place to place that I didn’t even have time to take photos.
First, JW & I had a gathering with my ex-colleagues at Seow Yuin’s house, where we indulged in pizzas and all things sinful, such as my favourite dessert, Baked Alaska, all thanks to Hsing! SY’s hubby, a very jolly fellow, entertained us with home-made videos of their holiday trips in 2007.
Thereafter, I attended JW’s gathering with his rockclimbing friends. We played a board game called Saboteur. There are only two types of players in this game – the miners and the saboteurs, but nobody knows the identity of one another. The aim of the miners was to find the gold, whereas the saboteurs’ objective was to mislead and stop the miners.
Regardless of whether they are miners of saboteurs, they are all dwarfs. Silly JW wasn’t aware of this, and he thought he was a saboteur when he was actually a miner! Hahaha so you could imagine, he helped the saboteurs win the game when he was actually a miner. My bf is such a joker man. Hahaha.
After the game, we attended a funeral of a climber’s dad. Her dad passed away due to cancer of the blood vessels, a very rare type of cancer. It was very unexpected as he only felt unwell 2 months ago, and the doctors couldn’t find out the true cause of his ailments till recently.
Such is the fragility of life. So much can change in so little time. Incidents like this always make me ponder about the transience of life, which in turn emphasizes the importance of living life to the fullest, a life filled with love and meaning, not one that is consumed by work and materialism.
Julie’s back in Singapore! – 5 Jan 08
Julie came back to Singapore to attend a friend’s wedding, so we all took the opportunity to meet up with her. The thoughtful girl suggested that we meet up at Al Azhar, because most of us stay in the west. She, on the other hand, stays in Serangoon!! We all had a great time sharing gossip about EOY.