Truth be told, I’ve never been to Zoukout in my life because I’ve never found outdoor parties very appealing. Horror stories about the rowdy crowds and molesters at Zoukout year after year never failed to deter me too. That was the main reason why we were all dressed very conservatively. π
However, I thought I should attend Zoukout at least once in my lifetime, just for the experience, and I did just that this year! All of us got to attend Zoukout together thanks to Jun!

We spent most of our time hiding at the Singtel tent as Jun had to entertain her client. Of course, it helped that there was a free flow of alcohol before 11pm. The Singtel babes also gave out cute little torch rings which we wore on our fingers and toes!
We had so many rounds of beer and hard liquor that Yitian and JW were already delirious and high before Kaykay and Eric arrived (the group pic below is taken from Eric’s blog). JW even performed some breakdancing moves thrice in a row! Haha but he was so drunk he only remembered doing it once! He didn’t even recall taking this group shot below. -_-“”

We went from tent to tent, jiving to tunes of yesteryear (there was a mambo tent playing retro hits such as YMCA and the likes) and house music. The maddening crowd drove us crazy as we literally had to squeeze past sweaty bodies just to get from one tent to another.
Anyhow, the happy drunkards, JW and Yitian, kept us perpetually entertained throughout the night. By midnight, they were smiling away and talking nonsense.
Yitian kept telling JW that he had to take good care of me because I’m a good friend of hers. JW, on the other hand, kept insisting he wasn’t drunk and stood as straight as he could, chest out and all. At the end of the night, he shone one of the torch rings into Karen’s eyes before running away and laughing his head off. But, when I asked him about it the next day, he claimed he had absolutely no recollection of it at all! Such audacity!

After partying for a couple of hours, we finally called it quits at 3a.m. to fill our growling tummies. By then, the roads leading to the carpark were strewn with drunk bodies and JW had morphed into a Merlion.
For my overseas readers, the term “Merlion” has two meanings. The first connotation refers to our national Mascot, a mythical creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish. Here’s what it looks like along the Singapore River:
The second connotation of the term “Merlion”, based on the
Singlish Dictionary, refers to a person who vomits after excessive drinking. I guess you can tell where the similarity lies from the picture above. LOL I hope you found this tidbit of information useful!
Besides JW, there were lots of other merlions at Zoukout, but thank goodness we left way before the party ended at 8a.m. the following morning. It was great fun hanging out together and laughing at the drunks in our group, but I think most of us will not be returning to Zoukout in the near future! Give us air-conditioned, posh clubs anytime! π