F1 Grand Prix (Friday’s race)
Most of my colleagues received free corporate tix to the F1 race on Friday, so off we went to watch the race in the comfort of an air-conditioned suite, complete with a mediocre buffet spread (quite tolerable nonetheless) and free-flow of drinks. The best view (think meandering bends) of the race can also be seen from the top floor of the suite. I had an extra ticket too, which I kindly offered to my bf, but he said he would rather rockclimb. All his colleagues said he was mad!
I’m not much of an F1 fan, but I had an incredible time munching on free food and gossiping with my crazy colleagues. Erm…I sound so auntie.
Here’re some lousy pics from my hp:
I can’t imagine why anyone would pay so much to watch the race from the grandstand. Our weather is so hot and humid!!
This is one of my favourite hangouts. I absolutely adore the soya beancurd dessert, which comes in a ridiculously large portion. Then again, that’s what I like about it. It comes in a bucket!
The waitresses were very amazed when we ordered this after devouring our main courses. I may be skinny, but I eat like a cow.

I think we look like kids.
New Home
We went to check out our new home. Renovation works have been stalled until the contractor rectifies the flooring problem. My future MIL found quite a number of hollow tiles.
Presenting our two walk-in-wardobes (still under construction):
Entrance to mine.
Entrance to his.
Master bedroom bathroom (only tiles are up)