I’ve long heard about the benefits of Power Plate® equipment and how it enhances the effectiveness of your exercise routine to produce optimal results. Friends who have tried Power Plate® classes also shared with me that they could get an extremely thorough and intensive workout in just a short period of time.
Naturally, my curiosity was piqued and I couldn’t help but say yes to a Power Plate® session at Croyez Studio along with Karen and Raphael.
Croyez Studio is the first and only authorized Power Plate® and NARL® studio in Asia that offers both personalized training and group workouts. Located amidst lush greenery within Dempsey, it offers an exclusive studio perfect for individuals seeking a frills-free workout with a view.
There are classes everyday, 7 days a week, and you’ll definitely be able to find a class that fits your schedule and fitness level.

Unlike most fitness centres which are equipped with only a handful of Power Plate® machines, Croyez boasts a studio filled with these machines.

What are Power Plate® machines and what do they do?
Power Plate® equipment is the premium vibration device powering a new
dimension in wellness solutions for all ages, lifestyles and physical
abilities. It uses the principles of Acceleration Training™ to stimulate
the body’s natural response to vibration. These vibrations transmit
waves of energy throughout the body, activating muscle contractions
between 25 and 50 times per second, enhancing overall performance in
sessions as short as 15 minutes a day, 3 times a week.
Essentially, this means that you don’t have to spend as much time exercising to achieve the same results, which is great for our hectic lifestyles. In fact, as a result of the vibrations, you could lose 50% more weight than if you were to use conventional gym equipment. Now, we have less of an excuse not to exercise!
Other measurable benefits related to Acceleration Training™ on Power Plate® equipment also include improved blood circulation, better muscle strength and flexibility, less cellulite and faster recovery.
How does it work?
Getting acquainted with the machines and how they operate is an integral part of the process as the different speed and timing buttons will vary the intensity of your workout. You need to familiarize yourself with all the buttons as you could be standing up at one point and seated at the next.
What types of exercises can you do with Power Plate® machines?
The Power Plate® machine can be easily incorporated into your favourite workout routine, ranging from yoga, kickboxing, muay thai, pilates, body combat or aerobics. These classes are all readily available at Croyez Studio.
We tried the PBox class, which is the most popular class at Croyez Studio. PBox includes moves inspired by Muay Thai, Taebo, Body Combat and MMA using 1kg hand weights.
adrenalin-pumping cardio and strength building workout was paired with
fist-pumping music to keep you fired up as you push your physical limits
and unleash your beast mode!

whole workout took just 40 minutes (including 20 minutes of warm-up and
cool-down exercises), but at the end of it, I could feel the intensity
of the workout running through every vein of my body as there were no breaks in between.
There were times when thoughts of giving up flooded our minds but the instructors were a huge source of motivation. Bursting with energy throughout, they encouraged
every one of us to persevere and keep up with the pace.
Their positivity definitely rubbed off us as we gritted our teeth and pressed on, in the hope of reaping the fruits of our labour.
One of my fitness goals is to tone up my arms and surprisingly, I achieved this after just one session! My arms may have
ached for days after, but my biceps firmed up immediately and my arms
became much toner and muscular. I was impressed.
To reward ourselves for the hard work, we were treated to a round of massage using the Power Plate® machine during the cooling down segment. Massage helps to relieve any muscle soreness and aids in muscle recovery after an intensive workout.
If you are worried about weight gained after all the feasting during Chinese New Year, there’s another machine for weight loss at Croyez Studio which would probably interest you.
What is NARL®?
NARL®, which stands for NorAdrenalin ReLease, uses a unique, safe and patented combination of ultrasound frequency and
intensity that enables a local release of noradrenaline, through a specific
stimulation of the sympathetic nerve terminals. This local noradrenaline release will trigger a natural lipolysis from nearby adipocytes.
fat loss is observed if the released Free Fat Acids and Glycerol are
burned (used as energy). This localised stimulation bypasses our central
nervous system, hence there is no fat rebound effect, and long lasting
results are guaranteed.Lipolysis is activated by catecholamine (adrenaline and
noradrenaline) and it relates to the breakdown of Triglycerides contained in our fat cells (adipocytes) into FFA and Glycerol, source of
Once FFA and Glycerol are released in blood stream, they
have to be burned. If not, this energy will be re-synthesized into fat
by homeostasis principle.NARL® is clinically proven to be effective
locally and on all kinds of fat (cellulite, subcutaneous and visceral). For optimal results, it is recommended that you use NARL® before your workout.
If you are planning to try out the Power Plate®, I would highly recommend that you attend fitness classes at a studio such as Croyez which specializes in the use of these machines.
This is because Acceleration Training is considered a less conventional form of exercise and you would benefit greatly from a total body workout specially tailored to your needs by a trained professional. It also helps to have a trainer watching your alignment and motivating you class after class to achieve your desired results.
As with all forms of exercise, results vary from individual to individual. Nonetheless, most people are able to see visible changes in their body after 3 sessions a week over 3 weeks.
I fall into the category of people who build muscle very quickly and I saw results instantly after just one session.I felt an immense sense of achievement after my Power Plate workout and am looking forward to yet another session after the CNY feasting. My
biceps are still rock hard even as I am writing this post many weeks down the
Pretty incredible, isn’t it?
Croyez Studio
Blk 8D Dempsey Road
Singapore 249672
Opening Hours:
Mon to Thur: 8am – 9pm
Fri: 8am – 7pm
Sat/Sun: 10am – 2pm
Closed on Public Holidays