I went to perm my hair again on Saturday. Erm yea, even when my hair is already curly to begin with. ๐Ÿ˜› This time, I went to Karen’s hairstylist at Novena. Her skills are superb, especially when it comes to cutting. She made me reconsider having straight hair again, but I eventually decided I just couldn’t get enough of curls.
I think I have been doing too many chemical treatments of late, so much so that I can sense my hair pleading with me to stop. I am quite amazed by the amount of patience I have, just sitting there treating my fried hair with a wide array of poisonous chemicals.

Karen snipped her hair too. She looks so chic and fresh in her new hairdo that I felt like cutting my hair short too. Alas, I’m addicted to curls, hence the poor girl had to wait 5 torturous hours for me =X.

To cut a long story short, let’s look at the pics. You’d better cherish this moment, for I doubt you’ll ever find uglier photos of me.

Before the perm. I look so pale and haggard!
I am a monster with telephone cords sticking out of my head.
Oh..and now I am a dog. Seriously, if you ask me, I think I could’ve shown up at a halloween party in either of these.

The end result after 5 hours, by which time all the shops had closed ๐Ÿ˜‰ Jw & I outside our favourite shop, Prada (disclaimer: this doesn’t mean we shop there frequently).
I don’t quite like this photo cos I think it makes me look very motherly and overtly feminine, but it’s the only one that shows my hair clearly. My friends say it’s super tai tai.. Hahaha.
Ok I think I need to sleep now, though it’s only 10.30. Working is tiring!!!

Sometimes, holding a conversation with your bf can be very trying. ๐Ÿ˜›

He never notices things like new clothes, a change in my hairstyle etc. and whenever I ask if my new hairdo or attire is nice, he’ll exclaim “YES!” in a rather contrived manner.

Me: You’re almost perfect as a bf, except for one thing.
JW: Is it my acting?
