Work has been extremely hectic this week, and I believe it’ll continue for the next few months or years to come.

There are so many things to learn and pick up, yet so little time. But at the same time, I feel like I’m on a road to self-discovery. I’m quite surprised by myself because my interest in the financial sector seems to be growing more intense with each passing day. I enjoy the exposure that I’m getting so far, but I really pray this has got nothing to do with the novelty of it all.

I attended a conference recently, and was told by 2 Hong Kongers that I look like a HK singer (who apparently can’t sing by the way) by the name of Theresa Fu. I doubt she’s famous in this part of Asia, for I had no inkling who she was when they mentioned her name. Anyway, out of curiosity, I decided to google her. This is what she looks like:
To a large extent, I think our hair, face shape and skin tone do look pretty similar. I reckon she’s probably around my weight too, judging from her petite frame. πŸ˜› She has a nice nose though, but I suspect it was surgically enhanced as there appears to be a very distinct stick-like object in her nose. Haha whatever it is, I personally feel she’s quite pretty, so I take that comment as a compliment. πŸ˜‰

I think she looks very pretty in this photo!Oh I have been saying this year after year, but I really wanna attend a Halloween party this year!!! Not sure if I’ll have time to do so though. πŸ™ And if I do go, what should I dress up as? Some said I should go as a nurse, cos I’m tender, loving and caring (this is an inside joke. If you know what my hotmail address is, you’ll know what I mean). JW thinks I should go as a vampire, but I think I look so harmless that even fangs won’t be of much help. The image doesn’t quite gel with my disposition.

I have not clubbed in ages to club when all I do is crash on my bed after every single freaking workday. I feel my youth is slowly slipping away. HOW?

Sorry, I just like to whine. πŸ˜› If you managed to survive till the end of this post without clicking on the ‘X’ at the top right hand corner, I would really like to thank you for bearing with me. Haha.

I was just asking my bf if I should submit part of my work to my boss at 1230am, in case she wants to have a look at it first. But she didn’t bring her laptop home, so how could she possibly read it?

reg says:
if u were me what will u do?

jw says:
i’d let my bf pinch my cheeks real hard

All I can say is, my bf really loves me.

Or rather, my cheeks.