Ya lah, I’m kiasu…cannot is it.
So now let me take the opportunity to tell all my good friends who want me to be their “jie mei” to wait till my wedding ceremony is over before you hold yours!!!! Aiya, wait 1 year only, should be ok right?:P
V was my ex-colleague. In fact, she left one month after I joined the organization, but we continued to stay in touch due to the wonders of technology, or more specifically, MSN Messenger. Unfortunately, I can no longer use MSN at work cos the nature of my work is highly confidential :(.
Yes, I am a government secret agent. Haha..almost there :P.
Back to the wedding. I can never cease to exclaim at how exhausting it is to be a bride, and a “jie mei”. V had to wake up at 6am just to do her makeup. That is an unearthly hour by my standards as I’m not a morning person.
The jie meis were supposed to reach her house at AMK by 730am. Like I said earlier, I’m not a morning person, so I literally crawled out of bed at only 645am. I had barely enough time to slap on some light makeup before dashing out of the house looking like a disheveled wreck. In the end, I reached at 8am. But as the old adage goes, it’s better late than never. 😛 If not for my JW, I would have reached there even later!!
It was really embarrassing though, cos everyone else was already there and they had finished planning all the tricks/games to be played. The efforts proved futile, however, as the groom and his entourage simply refused to do anything except wait for the auspicious hour to arrive, although at one point, they decided to give us a red packet after relentless taunting from V’s real sister (she has 4 sisters!!).
To be honest, it wasn’t even given to us.
I had to snatch it from them.
I opened the red packet (with great expectations of course), and to my absolute horror, therein lay a crisp RUPIAH note. Sigh..what’s happening to men these days??? Ok to be fair, they did give Sing dollars eventually.
I hope it’s just the mature men, cos I have already told JW that he had better look for sporting buddies so that my sisters can have a ball of a time torturing all of them. Hahaha. Indeed, within the sweet exterior lies a sadistic maniac.
See, I am so sweet. Oh did I mention that we didn’t know one another prior to this? But we all hit it off immediately like good old friends.
Us and the gorgeous bride (she has a damn good figure too)!! My hair was still wet and limp then. No time to blow dry.
Us and the handsome couple.
At the couple’s new home. Oops I realised my legs are rather wide apart in this pic. =X
The Wedding Dinner@Grand Plaza Park Hotel the following day – At the registration table. I like this pic, but I was very tired by then.
Our table! I was seated with my ex-colleague and his wife. His wife is a supremely musically talented individual. Not only is she a UK-trained soprano who performs regularly, she is also a piano teacher, armed with a music degree. I hope to pursue my music diploma under her soon :P…sigh but no timeeee… how???
I also got to know a colleague at my current workplace. He too, was seated at my table. What a coincidence. 🙂Congrats again, V, and zao sheng gui zi!! Hahaha. I want to play with babies, but I don’t want to give birth to any (oops, JW you did not see this).
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