My blog is fast becoming a wedding blog.

I attended Nana’s wedding last Friday, where JW & I had the honour to be the emcees for the night. Haha. JW spoke English while I spoke Mandarin.

It has been a while since I last spoke formal Mandarin. Thankfully, I was still rather fluent although we did not rehearse the script at all (right, Nana?? HAHA).

JW & I literally rushed down from work at 615pm, only to reach Raffles Hotel at 645pm. The CBD jam was horrendous and the cars were travelling at snail’s pace. I hurriedly changed out of my office attire at Raffles Hotel before proceeding to the ballroom at 7pm. Fortunately, we arrived in the nick of time, if not I think Nana would have lapsed into a state of panic hahaha.

Nana’s wedding was a very warm and cosy affair. She had about 10 tables in the Casuarina Suite and there was a lot of mingling and photo-taking with the bride and groom, very unlike the usual wedding banquets, where the wedding couple darts from one table to another with hardly any interaction due to time constraints.

The ballroom was illuminated by glowing chandeliers and tastefully embellished with textured ornate draperies and plush seats, adding grandeur and elegance to the occasion. As a guest, I was very happy to be able to share the ceremonial bliss of my lovely friends. Needless to say, the bride looked gorgeous in her stunning Victorian-inspired gown, complete with intricate embroidery and beading details. On the other hand, the groom, beaming with pride (having won the heart of his fair maiden :P), wore a radiant smile on his face throughout the evening. It was one of the loveliest wedding ceremonies I have attended so far, and I thoroughly enjoyed basking in the glow of the wedding couple.

Nana, I look forward to receiving the photos from you!!! πŸ˜€ I want to post here can? πŸ˜› I don’t dare to post the one that we took together using my camera because you insisted it was very ugly although I swear it’s not πŸ˜‰

Just to share some photos that I took during the banquet:

Casuarina Suite

JW & I

Me with some ex-colleagues πŸ™‚
Chilling out along the corridors
My outfit for that day. It’s not as shiny as it looks in the photo. πŸ˜›

JW & I hopped over to Barfly at Clarke Quay after the ceremony as the night was still young. Can’t remember what he was drinking, but I had Aphrodisiac.

We’ve heard many raves about Barfly, but we both thought that it was just above average. Perhaps we should try out the food dishes next time. πŸ™‚

I really liked the chandeliers at Barfly though.
Hm well actually, I just have a penchant for chandeliers. I like all sorts of chandeliers hahaha.
I’m looking forward to receiving Nana’s wedding photos soon! πŸ˜€


On a separate note, I have been told by many recently (those who don’t know me very well) that I look very “atas” (slang for people who live the high life). Haha I think it’s partly due to my grooming, my curry puff hairstyle and maybe my “come-save-me” look?!

I don’t always go for the finest things in life and as some of you may know, I do not have very deep financial resources to tap into. Besides, I am definitely much friendlier than your other so-called “atas” people, some of whom could be very arrogant. I’m not as “princessy” as I look lah pls, and neither am I very prim and proper. πŸ˜›
Don’t believe? Ask JW Hahaha. He claims I am very fierce, violent and that I behave like a boy. πŸ™

Looks can be deceiving!! πŸ˜‰