These are the friends I made when I was 16 going on 17 and 17 going on 18.
Not this..this is the steak I had when we went to Sunset Way. Food’s so-so and the place is nearly pitch dark.
These are the friends I made when I was 16 going on 17 and 17 going on 18. Stoning at Wala’s.
This photo was taken by someone with shaky hands (who is no other than my bf)Josephine just keeps looking better and better!!
The guy who was the first on ICQ (ya that’s how old I am haha) to find out that JW & I got could I miss out Jo? The other avid blogger. She writes much more than I do though. I’m just simply too lazy to move my fingers. extremely tired to blog Hahaha…I am currently holding on to 3 portfolios. Somebody, save me!!
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