It was a climbing trip for JW and his friends, but I decided to tag along with my bro. As a non-climber, I spent most of my time idling around, camwhoring and eating. We also caught two movies – I am Legend and National Treasure.

Surprisingly, I didn’t shop much. I just couldn’t find anything to buy!! Let’s see now… I bought a pair of Roxy slippers, a ring from Diva, 2 tops from Mango sale, 2 hairclips, 2 pairs of wide-legged pants, 2 lipglosses and 1 lipstick from The Face Shop (slightly cheaper in Msia!!). Erm, now it sounds like I bought a lot of goodies.. =X

I climbed a little too. I completed 3 routes and everyone said that I am a natural ok…don’t play play Hahaha. But given my laziness and lack of motivation to exercise, I doubt I’ll actually pursue climbing as an interest.

If anything, I’m more likely to pursue sleeping as an interest. Haha. Hey, that’s something I can do with JW too, cos both of us enjoy sleeping! πŸ˜›

On the way to KL, accompanied by the brother and a Rubix cube. My brother looks quite spastic here. He looks as if he’s pleading with the customs officer not to confiscate his rubix cube.
Lunch at A&Ws. The hotdog was a disappointment though. Orange Julius is much better.
At Brisdale Hotel with the two men.
Dinner at Nandos. It was a rather carnivorous meal. Lots of meat, but no complaints from me.
Liang cha treat from Jess
At Camp 5 – One Utama. Check out the cute heart-shaped depression in the wall. The environment’s pretty nice, but I absolutely detest the marshals there.

JW paid for me to stay in the gym the entire day, but this stupid shortie of a marshal came over to tell me that I have to leave if I’m not climbing (I guess I looked like I wasn’t dressed for climbing that particular day :P). He thought I was a non-paying guest and was very appalled when he found out that I paid just to hang out at the gym. I told him that I have too much money to spare and asked him if he had a problem with that. So bitchy right..but whatever man. Shortie sounded like he was giving me orders. So much for customer service.

The cobra king was in town!!! Don’t JW’s ropes resemble snakes?

Two Spidermans on the wall.

Oh and that’s me..posing with the tiles. I exemplify the true qualities of a Singapore Idle.

Group shot. I think this was taken on the 3rd day, the day when I finally decided to don sportswear to shut the marshals up.’s more difficult to spot me now right? πŸ˜› This was also the day that I completed 2 routes. Haha.

Lunch at some Asian restaurant…can’t remember the name now. The hor fun was mouth-watering.

We had a junk gift exchange on Christmas Eve!! JW got an unidentified gift from my didi..even my didi didn’t know what it was because this gift was wrapped at least 5 years ago by my mum. Didi brought it along for the trip cos JW told him about the gift exchange. We burst into peals of laughter once JW teared open the wrapper to reveal the present. The present was a box of Drapolene Cream. Drapolene Cream is commonly used for babies with nappy rash. Hahaha. So you could imagine..we were engulfed in laughter for the next 5-10 minutes before JW finally plucked up his courage to open the box.

To his utmost relief, the box contained a colourful paperweight, and not nappy rash cream.

My present to Shumei was a cute cat stuffed toy. The cat was holding on to a dead fish. The dead fish refers to Yap. Hahaha.

So as to save Yap from any embarrassment, I shall not reveal why he is a dead fish. πŸ˜›
Jess gave didi a nice muji photo album
JW gave Ruixuan a NDP chalkbag and a swiss army knife. I got 3 bottles of bodyshop shower foam from Ruix — perfect for overseas travel!

I made JW use a facial mask. Don’t ask me why he looks like Hannibal. I think it’s just him. Hahaha.

Pretty christmas decor at Mid-Valley Shopping Centre

Cute little hamsters posing for the camera

We stopped by Malacca on the way back to Singapore. The food was finger-licking good!!

Chicken rice balls. The rice balls were not as tasty as the chicken rice, but the meat was delectable.

Savouring authentic chendol. I’m still salivating at the thought of it.

Miscellaneous food that we had for breakfast at One Utama. I love the hot chocolate with marshmallows!! I’m still craving for the pancakes at paddingtons. πŸ˜›

Geez, I’m salivating at the sight of all these photos. Aren’t you too?!!!

Fret not, for more good food will be coming your way this New Year’s Eve!!! Yay!! πŸ˜€

Had a JC gathering yesterday with lots of good food and even better company! Didn’t take many photos though, so I’m eagerly awaiting Jo’s photos and videos. πŸ˜‰

In the meanwhile, here’s wishing everyone a Happy New Year!!! May all your wishes come true in 2008!