Nana’s professionally taken wedding photos are finally out! I must reiterate that among all the weddings that took place this year, Nana’s one is my favourite! πŸ˜€

I’ve known Nana since primary school, and it’s a miracle how we ended up working at the same organisation last year. Although we have since left for greener pastures (greener for her I think, as she can now embark on her journey to “taitai” hood!! haha), we managed to keep in touch all this while.

I wish I could have a cosy and personal wedding dinner, just like hers, but I doubt it’ll ever materialize.

We’ll be having all our distant relatives at the dinner..eeks!!! I pray none of them ever stumbles across my blog *keeps fingers crossed*. Seriously, what’s the point of having 50-60 tables when you don’t recognise 60% of the faces in the crowd? Sigh. We can’t complain since we aren’t footing the bill (psst…I’m immensely grateful for that!). πŸ˜‰

At Nana’s solemnization πŸ™‚
JW & I were the emcees. I can’t help but notice how sincere he looked while delivering the oration. Hahaha. I looked like I was trying hard to memorize the entire speech. πŸ˜›

Us with the glowing bride
Presenting…the blissfully married couple!
Candid shot of us trying to wrestle our way out of receiving the couple’s red packet. πŸ˜› No prizes for guessing who won eventually.
Ex-colleaguesCheck out the gorgeous bride!
Not forgetting her fab figure haha πŸ˜›
Other candid shots:

I look quite silly here.
The sneaky photographer stole shots of JW & I…but I think they’re very well-taken, so he’s forgiven πŸ˜›