I am on 4 days mc..and today marks my last day of MC. One of my bosses said that I must be overworked. Indeed, I think so too! I have the flu bug, and my condition is further aggravated by a nasal allergy. Doc says I’m likely to be allergic to dust. I couldn’t agree more cos we have this colleague at work who has piles of junk in her cubicle. I swear she has more things than my entire house can contain! Nobody can see her when she’s sitting down.

To cheer myself up, and also to cheer you up, here’s my gown as promised. This is not the final gown as my designer intends to do a completely new one for me with added details like more glitter, lace etc. I love the veil! I am slightly disappointed though, because the glitter on the skirt doesn’t show up in pictures. I hope that adding more glitter or maybe some embroidery will do the trick.

Now I gotta think of a design for my evening gown too! Suggestions will be most appreciated :). I am totally clueless when it comes to wedding preparations.

I also had a fringe cut over the weekend…decided to go for bangs this time, but JW thinks I should grow it out before the wedding to match my gown. He thinks that I look better with my side-swept fringe, but I like my bangs!!

Alright..gonna rest now…