I think work is taking a toll on my health again. I am down with flu and thus decided to call in sick. It sure doesn’t help that I have to juggle 3 portfolios between 2 organizations as well as report to 3 bosses. I have double or triple of almost everything (2-3 official e-mail accounts, 2 laptops) except remuneration. I’ve already spoken to one of my bosses regarding the workload and how I really can’t cope with all the impending deadlines. Thankfully, he seems rather empathetic and is taking actions to attempt to resolve this issue.

I’ll try to persevere and hold on to my current job for as long as I possibly can. I love my colleagues, but I can’t say I really enjoy what I do. However, if things don’t work out eventually, I guess I would consider leaving and taking a few months’ break to recuperate as well as to see to my reno and wedding preparations.

The private bank offer I received previously still stands apparently, and I’m really honoured that my contact has asked me to join him time and again (about 3 times now?). I think he would be a good boss and I would definitely learn a lot from him, but I am still uncertain if that’s the career path that I would want to pursue. The monetary benefits will be quite substantial in the long run, and unlike the typical private banker, I will develop a very specialized skill set. But deep inside, I think I would much prefer to pursue my music diploma and try out teaching music. I wouldn’t want to run the risk of jeopardizing our friendship by telling him that I’ll join him and then quit shortly thereafter. There are just too many considerations at stake.

Anyhow, let’s take a look at what I did over the weekend:

Jay’s Concert

I didn’t enjoy the concert as much as the previous one, probably because I didn’t like most of the songs he sang (he didn’t sing dandelion’s promise!!) and he just seemed very tired. In my opinion, the costumes were quite distasteful too.

Bridal Gown Search

We went to scout for my wedding gown on Saturday, and I found the perfect one at Silhouette! Even my designer exclaimed that it makes me look like a fairy-tale princess. The gown has a very classic princess cut, with a white scalloped lace bodice and a full tulle skirt complete with just a hint of pink and glitter sprinkled all around. The veil is intricately embroidered with glitter thread and extends all the way down to my train to create a layered effect. I’ll post up photos of it the next time I go down to confirm the package. My designer has already reserved the gown for me. 🙂

Wine appreciation at Wine-Bos

I think I was the only one who drank 5 whole glasses of wine because I refused to throw the remaining amount left in my glass into the bucket provided by the server. It’s such a waste to do that. JW on the other hand, surrendered after drinking about 1.5 glasses.

He can’t drink at all, which is quite worrying cos I can foresee him being dead drunk on the night of our banquet. Either that, or I’ll be the one who ends up dead drunk, although I think I can hold my liquor pretty well. Perhaps I should plead with my wedding guests to let him have it easy so that we can spend the night doing something more meaningful. HAHA.

Looking a little sleepy after 5 glasses. I edited this photo to create a nostalgic feel. I like the grainy effect.

Going off to rest now..bye!