I’m in Shanghai now for my work trip. Can’t believe my boss is still stuck at a wine event at 11.30p.m.!! We have an internal flight to catch tomorrow at 9am, which means we need to check out of the hotel at 7am. She’s going to be so exhausted (so will my colleague and I cos we’re still waiting for her)!!
On a separate note, I sneaked out after dinner today to shop and I bagged so many buys from Vera Moda. I always buy Vera Moda stuff when I’m in China. Yeah, I am so hopelessly addicted.
It’s really strange shopping here though, because the shop assistants always ask if I’m a Korean based in China.
There can only be two reasons: 1) I don’t look Chinese or 2) my mandarin really sucks. :S
Ok..back to report writing. I need to pack up as well! Hope I’ll get to catch some sleep…