Received a new pair of shades from the sweetest boy ever! I must say it was quite a steal too. 🙂

Shades, a must-have for sunny days and days when you have sore eyes haha.

The redness in my eye has subsided, but it still itches sporadically. Itch, be gone!

I must say I look pretty ridiculous in spectacles because my lenses are horribly thick. My colleagues have been teasing me about my “new” appearance:

Colleague 1: Wow you got sore eye??? How come one eye only? Must have peeped at some guy using a telescope right?

Colleague 2: Still very pretty lah. It’s a different look. look very studious now.

Here comes the ultimate:

Colleague 3: Wah..who are you??!! Who are you?!!!


With such colleagues, who needs enemies?

Just kidding…. I thoroughly enjoy their company. 😉

Alright, time to go to bed and nurse the itchy eye.