I’m starting to see the museum in a different light now. I used to frequent the museum when I was a kid, but since then, it seems to have transformed into a contemporary cultural playground that appeals to all ages.

Last Saturday, JW and I went to the Night Fest at the National Museum to catch an enthralling performance by Italian aerial acrobatic dancers (I don’t know if that’s what you call them).

Suspended in mid-air against the backdrop of the National Museum, the dancers performed ballet moves and acrobatic stunts to beautiful classical melodies. It was certainly a refreshing change from the usual dance performances.

Everything was quite perfect, except for the fact that we had to stand amidst hoardes of people in the sweltering heat. Ok, I’m exaggerating. It wasn’t that hot, but I could smell perspiration in the air. Eeks.

Anyhow, the performance was absolutely enchanting and very captivating. See it for yourselves:

Before the performance started, we also had lots of fun viewing the various exhibits in the different galleries. I especially loved the film/music and fashion galleries, for obvious reasons. 🙂

Going for lunch followed by a nap now!
Weddings Galore:

I attended a friend’s wedding at The Regent a few weekends ago, where I finally understood the meaning of love at first sight. I fell in love instantly with the ballroom setting- black tablecloth embossed with baroque motifs, red table runner, black chairs. How very unconventional.

I love the use of black in interior design. It spells understated elegance. That jolly well explains why we are using quite a lot of black in our new home as well. I can only pray that my parents don’t flip when they see the end result. 😉

The attire for the night:
I was trotting around Tanglin Mall and Friven & Co in my gown and 3 inch heels. Must have looked quite bizzare…Haha