I sang some of my favourite songs at Party World Liang Court yesterday. Singing karaoke in Singapore has never quite been my cup of tea, but after emerging as the dominant singer at a 3-hour session yesterday (actually the only other person present was JW), I think I might just get addicted to karaoke soon.

Party World is actually a Taiwan franchise, and it was one of the usual places frequented by yours truly when I was staying in Beijing, simply because the prices were so ridiculously low there compared to Singapore. Needless to say, I was also attracted to the opulent decor and the sumptuous buffet spread. It is really quite a shame that Singapore’s Party World outlets pale in comparison to those in China and Taiwan.

Nonetheless, I must say that the Liang Court branch in Singapore, being the newest Party World outlet, was very nicely renovated. I was impressed by the stylish decor and cushy sofas, reminiscent of the Party World outlets in China/Taiwan. Go check it out for yourself.
Here are some of my favourite songs:

情人 – Beyond – 家駒
My favourite song by Beyond:

Beyond has been my favourite band since my teenage years. In fact, I know most of their songs by heart. Crazy me was so starstruck then that I attended their autograph session and hired a cab to chase them all the way from their hotel to the airport. 😛

Yes, I was THAT mad. My parents can attest to that. They got really worried about my studies as I spent practically every waking moment watching Beyond videos and LDs (no VCDs and DVDs then). They must have thought I was possessed. Hahaha.

海闊天空 – Beyond

My favourite female singers 孙燕姿 and 张惠妹:

我不难过- 孙燕姿

记得 – 张惠妹

剪爱 – 张惠妹

勇敢 – 张惠妹

我怀念的 – 孙燕姿