I’ve been travelling rather extensively these days. First to Japan for a work trip, then to Macau for my prewedding shoot.

I love being greeted by the unique characteristics of each city and that air of unfamiliarity (albeit usually doused in dust and smoke). Each city’s facade is shaped by chains of historial events dating back to centuries long gone. It is no wonder the architecture of each city serves as a inextricable link back to its past.
Macau, for one, has gorgeous buildings with details that are reminiscent of its Portuguese heritage. Yup, we braved the sweltering heat and blazing sun with our dear photographer and makeup artist just to capture these details.

So amazing right, especially for someone like me who shuns the sun like a vampire. Here’s a sneak preview of some of the shots taken.

Most of the following pictures were taken in a village in the outskirts of Macau, where the most delectable portuguese egg tarts are found. In case you are wondering, the Lord Stow’s Bakery here has some of the best portuguese egg tarts.

Anyway, back to the photos..I’ve never seen myself looking this moody in photos before, but I must say this look is growing on me.

Oh, did I also mention that my hair might frighten the faint-hearted? So drama..haha but I asked for it. I’m always game for a makeover. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Photos courtesy of KC Wong (http://greymatterphotography.blogspot.com). More pics can be found in his blog, but you might have to wait a while for the evening gown shots and casual shots to be out. ๐Ÿ˜›
Edited to add : Other photos are up!

Evening gown & tea dress

Casual wear

I love all the photos!! Kudos to our photographer, KC and my makeup artist, Gin for the fantastic work. ๐Ÿ™‚ We really liked the locations that were painstakingly chosen by KC. Only a true artist can capture such captivating angles and moods with utmost precision. We hardly had to pose at all!

My makeup artist, Gin, was the person behind my dramatic transformation. Without the hair and makeup, I probably would have ended up looking really awkward in the moody shots.

Here’s to the wonderful people who made our photo shoot a really enjoyable and memorable one: