JW has been going around telling his friends that I almost bought a cow hide rug for our living room.
Not just that.

I wanted to pay for it out of my own pocket.

I swear I’ll never even dream of paying that kind of price for a bag..er except for Chanel..but well, that’s not the point.

So yes, other than the Louis Ghost Chair, I have fallen prey to cow hide rugs.

Cow hide rugs add an interesting perspective to the room, especially if baroque accents are included. The juxtaposition of modern and classical elements creates a very luxurious and stylish look. I’ll let the pictures do the talking:

Yoo furnishings (its design team includes Philippe Starck, Jade Jagger & Marcel Wanders)

Carolina Herrera Jr’s room (courtesy of dominomags.com)

I was so taken by it at evov living that I wanted to bring it home immediately. It would already be in our new home if not for the fact that our tempered glass coffee table would inevitably leave a dent on that beautiful piece of art.

Because of that, we went home with a furry grey and white rug instead. It was a real steal too, thanks to the shop’s clearance sale haha.

I must say that evov living has top notch service staff. I’ll definitely go back there to get that piece of cow hide when I decide to forsake my coffee table, which won’t be any time soon (I swear I can hear JW heave a sigh of relief).

Now I’m wondering if we should get the furry cushions from evov to match our new rug.

Ok… now I think I can hear JW’s heart beat twice as fast as his normal pace. His heart must be in his throat now hahaha.

What a terrible gf I am..:P