Work and the new home have been keeping me very busy lately. As a result, my health hasn’t been too good and I’m on MC again (ironic how blogging resumes only when I am ill).

Perhaps I’m burning out? I hope not. Work has been smooth-sailing, with exciting new opportunities and portfolios, but sometimes, a part of me wishes that I can just take a one year break and be a home-maker for a while. Internal conflicts are never easy to resolve.

Whatever it is, health always takes priority over everything else.

Recently, my dear friend Jolene told me that her god-daughter, Charmaine, who is all but 4 years of age, has been diagnosed with fourth stage Neuroblastoma and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. It pains me to know that a child has to undergo so much suffering at her age, but like everyone else, I believe she is a fighter and will be able to surmount this illness.

Jolene has also very kindly set up a blog for little Chairmaine. Please visit the blog at for more information on this valiant little fighter. I have also included a banner at the side of my blog for easy reference.

Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!

We all hope that Charmaine will emerge victorious in her battle against cancer, but in order to do so, her family would require financial assistance to pay for her medical treatment. I would like to appeal to everyone who reads my blog to lend Charmaine a helping hand.

You may wish to:

– Make a direct contribution via funds transfer at POSB savings a/c 109-76705-0 (for local donors)

– Donate via pay pal (strongly encouraged for foreign donors)

-Contact Cynthia/Jolene at if you wish to make alternative contribution arrangements.

On behalf of Jolene, Cynthia, Charmaine and her family, I would like to thank you for all your contributions.