I haven’t had much time to blog lately and I still have a handful of pictures from our KL trip. Will post them up at a later date. I’ll be going away to Dubai and Japan in May, hence I probably won’t be able to blog very much next month. ๐Ÿ™

Joined the climbers for high tea at Goodwood Park Hotel today to celebrate a fellow climber’s birthday.

JW sustained another injury while climbing today, and his finger was wrapped in thick bandage.

It literally stuck out like a sore thumb (except that this was worse since he injured his middle finger). He should probably have kept the bandage on permanently so that he can wave the finger at road hoggers.

Now here’s my outfit for the day. Love the new shoes. ๐Ÿ™‚

I changed into them right after I bought them on Sat ๐Ÿ˜‰