There are many similarities between Japanese and Korean culture, given that Korea was under the Japanese rule for a period of time. For one, like Japan, there are many shrines/temples in Korea. One example would be Shinheungsa Temple which lies at the foot of Mount Sorak.
The Buddha statue evokes a sense of calm and tranquility.

Despite cultural similarities, like Singapore, the older generation in Korea have a deep seeded dislike for the Japanese. Interestingly, these feelings of distrust or even hatred appear to be deeply entrenched in every stratum of the Korean society. For one, you can hardly find Japanese cars on the roads!
On a happier note, you know the saying that the grass is greener on the other side? Well, they forgot to add that the skies are bluer as well. I was very attracted to the azure sky decorated with white puffy clouds. These photos are true to life, as I have absolutely no idea how to use Photoshop and other editing software besides some basic functions in Picasa. ๐
Last but not least, here’s the view from my hotel room at Sorak Daemyeung Resort. Skies are not as blue here as there was a slight fog.

More on Korea next time!
hi regina! i love your hair, is it permed?
hi! your hat is cute! where is it from? ^^
Thanks! Yes it's permed. ๐ By the way, could you leave a name next time?
Thank you! I bought it from a tourist shop in Korea before I climbed Mount Sorak. ๐