After our early breakfast, we slept from 8am to about 2pm before we left for Ginza again to meet up with Grace’s friend, Jessie, for lunch and shopping.

Lunch was at Tatsutano (7-8-7 Ginza, Ginza Tokyo, Phone: 3571-1850) , a 100 year old shop famous for traditional Japanese sweets.

Grace had the chicken with chestnut set while Jessie and I chose the unagi set.

The unagi was the best that I have ever tasted. The meat was so soft, succulent and flavourful that it literally melted in my mouth. Definitely the perfect comfort food for nursing a hangover.

Since Tatsutano is famous for its desserts, we couldn’t leave without trying their signature desserts could we?
First up was Anmitsu, which essentially comprises small cubes of jelly served with azuki bean paste, green tea ice-cream and an array of fruits such as peach, mikan and cherries.

The famous oshiruko – Japanese red bean soup with mochi rice cake. The soup was rich yet not overpoweringly sweet while the mochi was chewy and fluffy!

Besides having a good feast, the other way to nurse a hangover is to shop up a storm. That’s exactly what we did for the rest of the day! There was hardly any time for picture taking as we were rushing in and out of the stores before closing time :P.

Dinner was at a small shop tucked in a corner of the JR Shimbashi station, near Jessie’s hotel, Mitsui Garden Hotel Ginza Premier. We ordered our food via a vending machine. This is a first for me in suaku (i.e. ignorant) of me.

Jessie and I each ordered the single hamburger steak set.

Grace, on the other hand, ordered the largest and most expensive set on the menu haha.

All our sets came with a slab of hamburger steak (Grace’s set came with 2 slabs) miso soup, egg, bacon, vegetables and rice. It was so filling that we all wasted a substantial portion of our food!