These photos are a couple of months backdated, but nonetheless, better late than never.

I attended the annual D&D with some of my lovely colleagues. This was also my 2nd D&D this year, and the last year that I get to attend 2 D&Ds!

Vanity got the better of us and we got off at 3pm to get our hair done.

At Grand Hyatt with Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls. The theme was Heroes, Villains & Sidekicks but we didn’t dress up (again..) because we only decided to attend the event at the very last minute.

I’ve always liked the black and silver theme for ballroom events.

After the D&D, it was time to party at Butter Factory. It was terribly crowded. Thank goodness we booked a table earlier on. Our dear powerpuff girl became the life of the party and was prancing around like a social butterfly, so unlike her usual demure self. ;P