La Boheme’s central theme revolves around arts and wealth (or rather, the lack of), a perennial problem that strikes a chord with those in the arts scene, particularly in countries like Singapore. The opera, which focuses on the romance between a poor poet and a terminally ill seamstress, is littered with witty dialogues and makes for a perfect tragic romedy. First performed in 1896 during the late Romantic era, it is now one of the most frequently performed operas in the international arena.
Music is an integral part of my life. In this day and age, even classical music has the unique ability to transcend all boundaries and connect people from all walks of life. English subtitles assure that you will not be lost in translation and having Asian musicians/opera singers on stage makes it easier for a largely Asian audience to relate to Italian opera.
In some cases however, having Asian opera singers in an opera with an updated 1930s Parisian setting could be rather odd, as in the case of La Boheme. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed the riveting performance by the Singapore Lyric Opera earlier this year.
It is a pity that SLO is unable to put up such performances on a regular basis due to the lack of audience, a sign that more needs to be done to spur the interest of the general public in opera and classical music, particularly in a land where the arts scene is almost barren. 🙁
On a separate note, I had my hair done again recently.I love it but I hardly have time to style it properly like this: