Papa Palheta is a specialty coffee boutique that I came to know about while I was browsing through photos that a friend posted on facebook.
Nestled in a quiet little shop house near town, Papa Palheta is a comforting retreat away from the city buzz. The shop specializes in coffee beans from Latin America, Africa and Asia, and you get to sample them free of charge before making a purchase.
Unlike JW, I’m not exactly a fan of coffee, but I love new concepts, coffee places, good service and interesting decor. The taste and aroma of the coffee were invigorating. This, coupled with the warm and sincere service, easily sets this place apart from other run off the mill coffee joints.
We chilled out at the breezy courtyard before heading into the quaint living room when it started pouring.

I absolutely adore the decor of the living room. It has so much character. The juxaposition of new and old furniture pieces also enhances the eclecticism of its interior.

For those of you who are interested, Papa Palheta is located at:
140 Bukit Timah Road
And here’s what I wore that day: