I unwittingly flushed my contact lenses down the sink shortly after I returned from Tokyo (must be the fatigue from rushing reports!) so I had to wear my nerdy black-rimmed specs out for a while.
Thank goodness it didn’t take long for the optician to replace my lenses. I decided to head down to town to collect my lenses once I received a call from the optical shop. Jo happened to text me on the same day and that’s when we decided to meet-up for dinner!

This was my second time at Ayam Bakar Ojolali that week. JW and I had gone there earlier in the week as I have been itching to go there after Shihui recommended this Indonesian restaurant at Lucky Plaza. Apparently, Ayam Bakar Ojolali serves the most authentic Indonesian grilled chicken in Singapore.
According to the restaurant’s website, Ayam Bakar means “Grilled Chicken” and Ojolali means “Don’t Forget”. Well, the grilled chicken was indeed unforgettable enough for me to patronize the eatery twice in a week!

The restaurant was jam packed when we arrived during dinner time. I recommended that Jo order their chef specialty, which is no other than Ayam Bakar of course! I wanted to try another dish so I ordered the fried chicken with rice instead.

The grilled chicken meat was tender and well-marinated. The black sweet sauce used also compliments the taste of the chicken very well. The fried chicken that I had was very savoury too. It was fried to golden perfection and absolutely crispy! We also ordered keropok and beefball soup to go with our dishes.
Jo also had one of their drink specialties, Es Ojolali (Iced pink coconut), which she raved about while I settled for Happy Soda,a common drink found in most Indonesian restaurants. For the uninitiated, Happy Soda is essentially a concoction of Bandung (Rose syrup with condensed/evaporated milk) and soda. The one I had here was one of the better ones that I’ve tried so far!
Needless to say, Ayam Bakar Ojolali is now one of my favourite food haunts to get my indon food fix!

I wore my specs that day but changed out into my contacts subsequently. Nevertheless, that did not stop us from taking turns to model in my nerdy specs!

The funny thing was, we could hardly see a thing with my specs because my degrees are unbelievably high due to my poor eyesight. I am practically blind without contacts/specs!

Here’s what I wore that day:

I really like this look but as I had to take a bus that day, I decided to pull up the shirt dress and pair it with white shorts as well as flats. ๐Ÿ˜›

**Oops forgot to add that the photos of our dinner were all courtesy of Jo! ๐Ÿ™‚