Universal Studios, located within Resorts World Sentosa, opened its doors to the public in March 2010. We wanted to wait till the initial hoo-haa dies down before making a trip there, but JW managed to secure the tickets at a discounted price, so off we went on a date! This was about a month back, but I only had time to sort out the photos recently.
I was mesmerized by the beautiful landscaping and magnificent building structures. The theme park really makes you feel that you have teleported from one city to another, and in some cases, transported back to the time when dinosaurs ruled and mummies came alive (Was there even such a time?! Haha but I think you get the drift).

I am not a fan of theme park rides, but JW cajoled me to take a couple with him. I obliged rather unwillingly, and even regretted embarking on some rides.
One such ride would be the Enchanted Airways, which is a mini outdoor roller coaster ride, because we were unfortunate (well, it was fortunate for JW) enough to get hold of front row seats on the roller coaster.
Being in the first row was thrilling, but it also meant that I wasn’t able to anticipate what would happen next and how the route would pan out. My heart was in my throat!! I heaved a sigh of relief after the ride came to an end and almost wanted to strangle my husband to death.
Oh, but that didn’t stop me from taking ANOTHER roller coaster ride. I figured I couldn’t be more fearful of another roller coaster ride after my spectacular front row view on Enchanted Airways, so I queued, albeit rather grudgingly, for our next roller coaster ride, The Revenge of the Mummy.
The path leading to the indoor roller coaster was dark and menacing, giving a foreboding sense of the horror to come. I was pretty much prepared to be scared out of my wits before the ride even commenced.
The lighting was so dim that the photos all turned out really dark.
As with all other fear gripping rides, this ride started off at a comfortable pace, giving you the opportunity to marvel at the intricate Egyptian drawings, sculptures and special effects.

Just when I forgot that I was on a roller coaster ride and that the initial slow speed was just the calm before the storm, the cart came to an abrupt stop before it descended at lightning speed backwards!!

That was when the terror unfolded before my very eyes. Ok honestly, I couldn’t really see because it was so dark inside, and I was grateful for that as it helped to cushion my fear. The backward descent was truly unexpected, and I knew I was in for the worst.

I grabbed hold of the handrail as tightly as I could and recoiled into the plastic seat, slipping lower and lower into oblivion so that I wouldn’t feel the full effects of the G force. 😛

This was no mean feat for a coward like yours truly, but I eventually emerged victorious. Unlike me, JW was smiling like a cheshire cat throughout the ride. I suppose he got his much needed adrenalin rush *rolls eyes*.

The other attractions were pretty average except for the Shrek 4D show. It was sheer fun and I could even feel spiders crawling on my legs! We almost went on the Jurassic Park ride but chose not to as I’ve taken it before at the Universal Studios in LA.

The most exciting ride in Universal Studios is the Battlestar Galactica roller coaster, but it is currently still closed due to a technical glitch. Thank goodness…I wouldn’t want to be conned into taking another roller coaster!

To calm my nerves, we also took many strolls along the streets. My favourite street is New York Alley.

The red brick buildings and cobbled floors glow a deep red under the sunlight, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Travel further down the main street of New York and you’ll see a 1960s inspired drive-in cafe complete with retro cars in old Hollywood glamour style!

We stopped by two cafes for food along the way. The first stop was Celebrity cafe at Hollywood Street that served milkshakes, waffles and ice-cream. The milkshakes were of a very thick consistency and absolutely delicious! I had waffles as well, but it paled in comparison to what you can get in most cafes.

We then adjourned to Loui’s NY Pizza Parlour for the Original NY pizza. The pepperoni pizza exceeded our expectations. It was so good I wish I had saved my stomach earlier for this (waffles are really filling!).

Celebrity Cafe

Loui’s NY Pizza Parlour

All in all, we had an enjoyable time at Universal Studios. We both agreed that this is a place that we will revisit for sure!

Here’s a final parting shot of us. 😉 We’ll be heading out of town this weekend for a short getaway so I’ll see you when I get back!