After the tour of Eagle’s Nest, we stopped over at Berchtesgaden, a charming little town nestled in the German Bavarian Alps. Berchtesgaden is a stone’s throw from Eagle’s Nest. It is also closely located to Mount Watzmann, the third highest mountain in Germany, which is very popular among mountaineers. The town is very rich in salt deposits and most of its wealth comes from salt mines that have since become tourist attractions as well.

In the city centre, you will find rows of cafes, quaint art shops and galleries. Although throngs of tourists come and go everyday, the neighborhood is quiet and peaceful after the tour groups have dispersed.

It was during those quiet moments that I came across a rose garden with beautiful blooms tucked away in a corner of the town. Just look at the close-up photo of the rose…the petals are so perfectly shaped and flawless, it is hard to believe that the rose is indeed real.

Sometimes, gems appear when you least expect it. 🙂