I attended baby Leonidas’s 1st month anniversary recently and boy is baby Leonidas blossoming into a hunk! The adorable one was sleeping most of the time whilst we helped ourselves to the sumptuous spread.

Sushi and Daryl spent a lot of effort decorating their place with balloons and banners for the party. And my my.. all the little cupcakes and cookies in the shape of prams set our hearts fluttering!
After the party, JW and I headed to Forty Hands at Tiong Bahru to check out the tau sar pao (chinese bun with red bean paste). The tau sar pao here has received rave reviews in 8 days and I’ve been dying to try it!

At S$2.50 (most paos are only about S$0.80), this pao had better be good! The bun was fluffy and of just the right density while the red bean filling was very smooth with just a hint of sweetness. I liked it very much!
The only grouse that I have about Forty Hands is the lack of non-caffeinated drinks on its menu. I can’t take coffee, and the only non-caffeinated drink it serves is hot chocolate, which is way too sweet when paired with tau sar pao.
Finally, here’s what I wore that day. A simple pink rosette top from F21 and green bow shorts.

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