We popped by Epicurious Cafe at Railway Mall for breakfast after casting our votes yesterday. Despite the raves about their breakfast sets, I still prefer Graze at Rochester Park as it offers larger portions and a better ambiance at similar prices.

Speaking of the elections, I still can’t believe that George Yeo has been voted out, although historically, Aljunied GRC has been relatively more pro-opposition, hence the results are not entirely unexpected.

The general sentiment on Facebook is that George Yeo should replace TPL instead. Perhaps this would give the PAP an impetus to review the GRC system?

Whatever it is, this is a historic moment for all Singaporeans, and a huge blow to PAP. I know many friends are rejoicing at the results, but I can’t help but feel a sense of loss.

Regardless, I choose to believe that every cloud has a silver lining. This elections, for one, proved that Gen Y Singaporeans are not apathetic about politics, and that alone tells me that there is hope for the future of Singapore.