Actually, my heart nearly stopped when he did that because it was already so wobbly up there, I thought I was going to fall any time! Shihui and I were screaming and clinging on for our dear lives, yet at the same time wondering why everyone else around us seemed so relaxed. Well, you’ll find out why at the end of the post.
The most exciting part of the ride was when the elephant entered the river.

It was a picture-perfect moment, but also a petrifying one because our seat came with a flimsy seat belt, unlike the rest who had metal rods to prevent them from slipping. We only realised this after we took a photo of Raf and Mithila. Check out their seat below.
Now, compare their seat with mine. As you can see, I hardly had any protection!

That totally explained why my face bore such a striking resemblance to dear Miss Marc on my Marc by Marc Jacobs bag.
I asked the trainer if I looked like her and he burst out laughing! -_-“”
What an adventure! I wonder why your seat was so flimsy compared to the others…yikes! Your comment about and photo of Miss Marc at the end are hilarious.
I love this post n especially the pic which u clinged on so tightly to the back of the seat. Bring back memories of how loudly we were screaming when the elephant entered the river ;p Huiz
Hello Heather!
I have no idea why too but I'm guessing it's because my elephant is one of the more obedient ones. Oh my, but still, I was clinging on for my dear life! I love Miss Marc..I should bring her for more of my adventures in future! Hahaha
Hello Huiz,
Yes!! I can still recall all the fear we felt and how you nearly fell into the river thanks to our flimsy seat! I still wonder why we agreed to do this. LOL!!