Jatuchak Market, otherwise commonly known as Chatuchak among Singaporeans, is the most famous weekend market in Bangkok.

Renowned for its wide selection and variety of merchandise, you can find practically anything under the sun at Jatuchak, ranging from ornaments, pets, household items to apparel.

Here’s a cute candle-holder in the style of Cinderella’s carriage that I bought to decorate my home:

What I particularly like about Jatuchak is that you are able to find exclusive, one-of-a-kind apparel designed by Bangkok’s up and coming designers. Platinum mall may be the place to go for wholesale apparel, but if you are looking for unique designs and decorative items, Jatuchak tops the charts for me.

The only grouse I have is that it can be extremely hot and humid to shop here, especially during the summer months, but the weather certainly didn’t pose as a deterrent to the hoards of tourists visiting the popular weekend market.

One important tip for shopping here – get hold of the map because it is so easy to get lost! And for all you shopaholics, if you see anything that catches your fancy here, please just buy it immediately before you lose your way and end up disappointed.

Having gotten you all excited about shopping, I know you must be wondering where on earth I’m hiding the rest of the items that I promised to sell! I’m still sorting out some of my clothes from Bangkok for sale, so do bear with me! They’ll be up soon!