Pink puffed sleeve top from Korea

Floral print skorts from Platinum Mall, Bangkok

Pink skinny belt from Cache Cache

Diamonte butterfly flats from Mitju

To cheer myself up for my dental visit yesterday afternoon, I decided to put together an outfit with some of my favourite details such as floral print, ruffles, the colour pink and diamontes. This photo above was taken right after my wisdom tooth surgery so if you look closely, you’ll probably notice that my left cheek is a little swollen. I look like a chipmunk with a huge fishball stuck in my mouth.

I had two of my wisdom teeth extracted yesterday (normal extraction for the upper tooth and surgery for the bottom tooth) and to my surprise, the experience was completely painless. I’m not sure if the pain will only strike in a day or even a few days’ time but I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that this ordeal will be over in a jiffy.

I’ll write about my experience in another day or two so that I can give a more accurate account, so stay tuned if you’re interested to find out more. ๐Ÿ™‚


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