I have a soft spot for ribbons, especially when they come in a whole bunch of candy colours. Perfect for the summer weekend isn’t it? 😉

Price & Measurements: – PENDING/SOLD –
S$29.90 (inclusive of normal mail postage)
Width: 18″ Length: 37″

This dress come in a vibrant green hue (not as blue as the photo made it out to be) and is made of soft, comfortable cotton. You can wear it on its own or pair it with a skinny belt in any shade!

If you’re interested in purchasing this dress, do drop me an e-mail at regina.chow@gmail.com to order.

Please note that I will not be responsible for any loss of items via normal mail postage. All goods sold are also non-refundable.

P.S: I decided to try really light make-up this time, in light of some readers’ feedback about my heavy eye makeup. I wasn’t wearing any make-up except a touch of under-eye concealer. Hope I didn’t frighten you! LOL!

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