Happy National Day!

Today marks the 46th year since Singapore gained independence. To most, it may just be another public holiday, but I personally think that it is a significant day for us as a nation to celebrate our achievements.

It is without a doubt that our achievements have way surpassed that of our counterparts regardless of how much we rant about the fast pace of life, our crowded MRT trains, transport fare hikes, the invasion of foreign talent etc. I guess to a large extent, this is precisely what makes us Singaporean. Complaining is part and parcel of our lives. πŸ˜›

However, if we all take a step back and look at how much we have advanced since the days before our independence, we would realize that our nation has come a long way. Our progress would not have been possible if not for our forefathers, grandparents and our parents, and that in itself makes National Day a day worth celebrating!

Majulah, the Singapore spirit, is the theme for this year’s National Day Parade (NDP). What is the Singapore spirit? To me, the Singapore spirit embodies perseverance, resilience and unity. These were the key ingredients for our success today and will always be important traits for our progress.

I’ve got to thank my lucky stars because I had the privilege of attending the NDP preview this year and as you’re reading this, I’m preparing to meet my family for the actual NDP performance too! πŸ˜‰

Unlike previous years’ performances, this year’s NDP is anchored by a heartwarming musical that depicts how we’ve developed from a fishing village to where we are today. If you have seen the NDP theme song video (see below), you would have an inkling of what the musical is about. πŸ™‚

To keep you in suspense, there will not be any more spoilers from this point on. Instead, I’ll leave you with some photos and a video of the fireworks from the recent NDP preview. Enjoy!

Most of the attendees were in red and white, but this was the best that I could do. I have ZERO red tops!!

My pretty mummy! She was so excited about dressing up in red and white. πŸ˜‰

Roti Pratas, teh tariks and chillis doing their little dance. If only I could eat them (not the chilli) there and then!!!

The final explosion of confetti was a visual treat. It looked like it was snowing.

Last but not least, the fireworks and city scape light-up were fantastic! Check out my video below. πŸ˜‰

Don’t miss the show later this afternoon! πŸ™‚


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